Sunday, November 14, 2010

God made everybody a somebody.

What a great day to write, in this case type, my first blog! I am one of the leaders at church for 4th grade girls. We discussed Uniqueness today- there are different kinds of gifts. But they are all given by the same spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:4 Much later, as I was singing at adult service I was thinking about my gifts and how I can be more of service to others. This quickly changed as soon as I thought of our kids and what great gifts they are to Ray and I! I truly believe they make Ray and I better people. Since that first day, Kiara came in our home and was surprised by how much food we had in our refrigerator to today by their unconditional love! They make us appreciate the small things. We are a small story in God's big plan:) Thank you God for choosing us!

After service I witnessed a number of amazing baptisms, and reflected on my baptism! Of course I do not remember this as I was a baby but was thinking how my parents were probably feeling. Thank you mom and dad for bringing Jesus Christ in my life from the very beginning. Because of you I have faith today therefore heard God's voice on our calling about adoption.

God made everyone a somebody, we all have a part in his BIG plan! We all carry a uniqueness! I pray to God that I continue in service in his name and we help our children find that gift within themselves.


  1. You brought a tear to my eyes, Lisa. You and Ray are truly very special people....I am honored to know you. :o) You are a blessing in my life and I'm so thankful for you. -t

  2. How awesome sister! i can still remember when you jumped to God's calling for you to bring the kids home. Its as if they were just away for a while and you had to go pick them up. They are a true blessing to you guys just as much as You and Ray are tremendous blessings to them!!

  3. What a beautiful entry! I love this!
